Django Workshop at PyConPH 2015

Exercise 3.2 - Activating Models in the Admin

1. Edit /apps/recipes/

from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Category, Recipe

2. Run the site server and browse admin site

(venv) $ python runserver

3. In your admin site, populate your database with 2 categories and 5 recipes. Don’t forget to upload photos!

Suggested category names:

Title Slug
Breakfast breakfast
Mains mains

4. Stage all files and commit!

(venv) $ git add .
(venv) $ git commit -m "Activated models in Admin site"
(venv) $ git status

Challenge: Feeling Advanced? You look advanced. You can do this!

The slug is usually the same as the article title but only supports dashes instead of spaces. Why don’t you try implementing an autofill feature for the slug field? Hint: use ModelAdmin’s prepopulated_fieldsoption.